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In common with the whole gas supply industry, we are currently involved in rolling out advanced and smart metering systems to our supply customers.

Because we supply to industrial and commercial customers, we intend to continue to provide Advanced Meter Reading (AMR) solutions for our non-daily metered customers.

This allows us to use consumption data for billing, and helps customers to validate invoices, manage their gas use, and potentially improve their energy efficiency.

Your Metering Options

If you are a business that meets the government definition of a Micro-business, then you should be offered a smart metering solution.

Smart meters offer similar benefits to AMR devices, however, they also allow you to view your energy use in near real time, either through a display on your property or in an App or web portal where these are available.

If your business is not a Micro-Business, then you may, depending on the amount of gas you use, have the right to choose between a smart metering solution and an AMR device.

If you would like to discuss your metering with us, please contact us:

Annual Installation Targets

Between 2022 and 2025, the supply industry is being set target numbers of installations of AMR devices/Smart metering as part of Ofgem’s smart meter transition policy and with requirements written into the conditions of our supply licence.

Due to the small size of our supply portfolio and the fact that most of our supply customers already have AMR devices installed, our annual installation target for AMR/smart meter installation has been set at 0 for 2025.

In 2024, our target was also 0.

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